Annnnnnnnnnd its back you guys, Financial Wisedumb with Mary!!! You can read the Last Financial WiseDUMB HERE!!! Buuuuuuuuut today I want to talk about how you can FINANCIALLY save this year on your Christmas budget by improvising on your home Nativity Scene!!! Maybe your a newly wed, maybe your kids broke your nativity scene wrestling in the house, OR maybe your dog ate yours buuuuuuuut for whateverrrrr reason, if you happen to NOT have a Nativity Scene this year, I want to encourage you all to NOT go out and SPEND MONEY buying a brand new one, MY FRIENDS, you have alternatives to spending money, YOU HAVE OPTIONS!!! I would like to present to you all,

Yes, a Nativity scene made from a shoebox, rags and soda pop cans...sooooooo its NOT beautiful, when you see it, YOU GET THE POINT!!! LOL I realize that they often sell little nativity scenes at the dollar store, buuut WHY spend a dollar at all????
This is a chance for you to NOT only be creative, BUUUUUT to get out and exercise as you rummage through your local trash cans, dumpsters and allys!!! PLUS, aside from creativity and exercise, you are also, RECYCLING!!! Helping take care of God's beautiful earth!!! Its pretty much, THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME!!! ONCE AGAIN, you are very welcome, for this FINACIAL WISEDUMB WITH MARY!!!
Have a blessed, happy and MARY little Christmas!!!
♥Mary Frances :)