Saturday, March 29, 2014

End of the week thankfulness!!!!

I've decided that I AM going to start doing this weekly post of thankfulness!!! The big sis said she likes reading these thankfulness posts...therefore...I aim to please the people that matter most!!! Besides, I mean WHYYYY NOT find things EVERY WEEK to be thankful for???
Someone gave my sis the sign above and I thought, its SOOOO TRUE!!! There is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!!! Earlier in this week, I was just kinda feeling down, and I just started singing, "He's done SO MUCH FOR me, I can NOT tell it all, I can Not tell it all! He filled me with the Holy Ghost, I can NOT tell it all, I can NOT tell it all, I can NOT tell it all, HE HAS Taken my sins away!!!!" And just singing that song lifted my spirits as I began to think about what all my God has done for me!!! Truly there always, always, ALWAYS is something to be thankful for!!!
First of all, I want to thank God that he has helped this last week or so to get back on track with healthy eating and since last Friday I have lost 8 pounds!!! YAAAAAAY!!! Thank you JESUS!!!
NEEEEEEEXXXXXT... I want to thank God that last weekend I noticed that my car was starting to hesitate while starting. So my brother John told me to take it to Auto Zone and get the charging system tested...its FREE!!! Thank GOD right there for FREE TESTING...sooooo I did annnnnnd the lady, YES A LADY at Auto Zone...LOL...said that the battery was NO GOOD!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeelllllll THANKFULLY the previous owner of my vehicle, THE HUNK, had bought a battery with a warranty on it!!! Soooooo it was brought to Walmart and the battery was changed with NO COST TO ME!!! Thank you Rev. Daniel Abbott for having bought a battery with a warranty on it!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
I'm thankful THAT Albertson's still gives out...
FREE COOKIES TO THE KIDDOS!!! Yaaaaaaaay!!! Yes parents, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, babysitters and nannies, just bring your children over to the bakery and ask if the children can get a cookie...HOW COOL IS THAT?"!?!
 I'm Thankful that I got to make strawberry pancakes with my lil nephew, Gwapo Jose!!!! I luverrrrrrs him so much!!! Plus, he told me I was pretty, with out me even asking or prompting him yesterday...YES, I ADMIT...I do ask and PROMPT HIM NORMALLY...BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm thankful THAT TOMORROW IS... 
Jubilee Sunday!!!
Pastor Abbott decided that THIS year or church would be joining in for all the Jubilee Sundays with the Glendale church! I'm just like YESSSSS...because I've practically waited MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS!!!
Okaaaaaaaaaay super funny story about Jubilee Sunday! Last week before prayer, a group of us, that had gone on outreach were sitting around in the foyer of our church before prayer started. My pastor walks in and is telling us where Jubilee Sunday is. I'm like, Oh okaaaaay...soooooo do you know who is going to be preaching it?!
He is just kinda quiet...I'm like, WEEEEEEELLLL the ONLY REASON I am asking is BECAUSE...I'm just WONDERING if whoever it is preaching is going to be MY FUTURE HUSBAND???!?! Pastor is like, OH TRUST ME, its NOT GOING TO BE YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND!!! I was like, NEVERRRR KNOW!!! He's like, BELIEVE ME, I KNOW!!! I was just thinking like...Okaaaaaay...turn's out PASTOR WAS RIGHT...bahahahahahaha...cuz...
After we all found out who was preaching, Pastor was like, NOW DO YOU KNOW WHY I SAID ITS NOT YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND??? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We were all laughing soooooooooooooo hard about that!!! I'm yup, YOU WERE RIGHT...Its most definitely NOT my future husband!!! Buuuuuuuuuuut you NEVERRRR NO...ONE JUST MIGHT BE!!! ;)))
Last of all...My purse either got LOST OR STOLEN yesterday!!!!
Soooooooo NO i'm NOT actually thanking God that it got stolen, buuuuuuuuuuuut....In EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS!!! And there is something to be thankful for in this!!! First of all, I had NO MONEY IN IT! I had checked my bank account to see if  I had gotten paid earlier in the day, and when I did, I thought should I take some money out...cuz I usually like to take out my tithes and gas money for the next two weeks...and I was like naw...I'll jus get it later!!! GOOD THING I DIDN'T GET ANY OUT BECAUSE...that money would have been GONE!!!
Anywayz, when I was actually realizing that my purse WAS INDEED GONE, I was starting to feel really down and BUMMMMMED about it!!! you know, the whole, O WOE IS ME syndrome!!! LOL And I felt like God just prompted me that I needed to give thanks and to praise and worship him! I was like okaaaaaaaaaaay.... Thank you God...your soooo Gooood... Buuuuuut ya was all like half-hearted...THEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN I REMEMBERED SOMETHING!!!
On Monday, the big sis had given me the money to pay MJ's last school payment for the year..a lil over $300 dollars...I had FORGOTTEN every day that week to actually walk into the office and pay it...buuuuuuuuuuuuut... Randomly, Friday morning hours I REMEMBERED and paid it!!! Just a few hours later my purse was STOLEN OR LOST...its ME soooooo ONLY GOD KNOWS what REALLY HAPPENED...buuuuuuuut YES...that money WOULD HAVE BEEN IN MY PURSE!!! As the realization hit me I was like...Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!!! Yes, its a hassle canceling banking cards, getting a new liscense, I lost my adorabley, sparkly, Coach watermelon slice key chain, buuuuuut at least there was no money, no phone and no keys in it annnnnnnnnnd I PAID MJ'S SCHOOL BILL!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. Annnnnd Looking on the BRIGHTER SIDE of things, I just realized that this means THAT, I NEED a NEW PURSE/WALLET!!! WITHOUT BREAKING MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION OF NO SHOPPING FOR THINGS THAT I DON"T NEED!!! This is NOT a loop hole for shopping...LOL...this is a NEED!!! ;))) Soooo thank you Jesus for a reason to go SHOPPING!!!