Saturday, December 1, 2012

Knock! Knock Dollas!!! :)

Knock! Knock!!!
Who's there???
Nacho WHO???
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Omw...I sooooo crack myself up!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Okaaaaaaaay I know its corny CHEESY...hee,hee...buuuuuuut YOU KNOW that before you rolled  your eyes you HAD to at least smile!!! ;D Plus, ITS TRUE!!! Its NOT your spouse knocking on your door!!! ITS WHO????♪♫Knock, knock, knock, I HEAR JESUS KNOCKIN!!!♪♪♫♫♪♪ (I wish you all had the priviledge of ACTUALLY hearing me sing that!!!;) ITS JESUS!!! The BIble says in Revelation 3:20...
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:.."
As single people, we all just naturally feel that longing within us to LOVE and BE LOVED!!! sooooo what DO We do aBOUt it??? Have you ever thought and I mean REALLY THOUGHT, about the fact that JESUS wants to spend time WITH YOU!!! I think sometimes we really FORGET that!!! 

I know it sounds like you think you have heard what i am about to say a million times, God is our husband, our lover, we don't need anything else etc...and its TRUE...buuuuut thats NOT what I'm talking about...
I remember taking Apostolic Standards class at the Bible college, we were learning about all different things but the night we learned about entertainment, Bro. Myers was substituting in for Bro. Garrett and he taught us an incredible lesson that I have never forgotten! I'm not quoting, jus paraphrasing cuz I can't remember his exact wording...
He was telling us that there is NOTHING wrong with doing good stuff, but that EVEN good stuff that we like to do can get out of control and begin to consume our lives! He talked about how he likes to go hunting/fishing and its a hobby of his and there is NOTHING wrong with hunting/fishing! Buuuut there have been times where he has found himself that he would go on a hunting/fishing trip and even before he gets back he is already thinking and planning his next one...
And he was talking about how when we get like this, when we get consumed with something that when we stop and think about it, it is usually most likely because we are lacking something in our spiritual life or in what we are doing in the kingdom of God. Perhaps we're not praying or reading the Bible like we should be, or perhaps we're not as involved in church things and working for God like we should be.
Sooooo for Bro. Myers its hunting/fishing...FOR ME...its liking guys!!! (Stalking... which I mean, IF you think about its BASICALLY Mary's version of HUNTING/FISHING!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
I mean, there is NOTHING wrong with likeing good, Godly, on-fire-for God, sold old out to Jesus, burden for the lost, Apostolic me I ONLY pic the GOOOOOD ONES...buuuuut... when my crushes start changing like soooo rapidly that even I can't keep track of them...I know its TIME to stop and revaluate!!! HAHAHA!!!
 OK! Really, SERIOUSLEY tho now, if you think about it, it can be anything that consumes our lives and is just TOO much!!! It can be traveling, shopping, eating, sports, blogging...LOL... sometimes we just get obsessed with going to conferences!!! We have to go to EVERY single one...and while church conferences are a GOOD thing...we can even let a good thing like that get out of hand!!!
When Bro. Foster was here he preached our youth ralley at our church he talked very strongly about the internet. He told us that after much prayer and fasting, he came to the deciscion that he was going to take the internet out of his home. Not because he never uses it at all, but he said that in the middle of the night, when he would wake up and couldn't fall back asleep, instead of praying or reading his Bible he would often find himself browsing on the internet. He didn't want to replace that feeling of lonliness or longing in his heart for something else other that God!
Single people, I want to tell you that ONLY Jesus can fill that longing in your heart!!! People were NOT meant to fill it...JESUS WAS!!! Its like when your thirsty, REALLY THIRSTY buuuut instead of drinking a glass of water, you drink a Mountain Dew! Now anyone that knows me knows that THIS GIRL LOOOOOVES MOUNTAIN DEW!!! Buuuut...IF I'm thirsy, what my body really needs is NOT a Mountain Dew...I NEED WATER!!! Yes, that Mountain Dew may temporarily apease my thirst, BUUUUT it wasn't what I really needed!!! It wasn't THE BEST thing for ME!!!
Relationships may temporarily apease that feeling of lonliness of emptiness, but thats NOT the BEST thing for you to be filling that feeling with!!! The BEST THING IS JESUS!!! Even married people, (NOT that I know from experiance;) feel that certian lonliness or emptiness. Even after us singles get married, its NOT going to take away those yearnings in our hearts! I just want to clarify that I'm also not talking about the way Adam was LONELY in the Bible and God gave him a wife!!! I'm talking about something BIGGER!!!
There is a greater thirst within the hearts of each and every one of us that ONLY Jesus can quench!!! We might as well learn that  right now, that when you feel that way, its JESUS that you NEED!!! If you don't understand that now, after you get married you'll expect your spouse to be able to fulfill that aching in your heart...buuuut THEY CAN'T...Because they're NOT God!!! No hobby, No entertainment, No career, No friend, No relationship, no spouse can fulfill that certain desire inside your heart...ONLY JESUS!!!
Your lonliness should be fulfilled in Christ!!! Nothing can substitute that thirst in your heart...yeah maybe for a lil while...buuuuut its NOT what you really needed!!! Do you hear Him??? Do you hear Jesus knocking on you hearts door??? He wants to come in? He wants to spend time with you!!! LISTEN!!!

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
(Revelation 3:20)
♥Mary Frances :)