Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good times!!!

We all had a really good time this past weekend joining in services and fellowship with other Apostolic churches of the valley!!! Friday night was Fresh Fire at Bro. Brown's church!!! All the guys did really good preaching!!! So proud of the aspiration of our young people!!!
(Collage stolen from Jac!:)
We'll FOREVER quote Delly talking about after getting the Holy Ghost again...
"Sports world, GONE!"

Photo: Had so much fun at fresh fire on Friday night! I'm so thankful for a group of young people to fellowship with that are willing to take a stand for the gospel!
With my girlZ, Liz and Kensie!!!


Sweeeeet lil Grace!!! My cute lil Filipino friend!!!
Me, Lily, Shelbie, Cara...Talk of the evening...gettin ready for WCC!!! HAHAHA!!!
.I got soooooo lost on the way home from AVONDALE!!! OMW!!! I drove around for like TWO HOURS!!! Bahahahaha!!! FInally we drove to the to of this hill in the middle of NO WHERE that is a star gazing spot!!! Soooo we see this couple cuddling as they star gaze in this secluded place being all romantic...soooo I look and its TWO MEN!!! Weeeeeeelllll...I just could NOT resist!!! I pull up, hang out the window and say, "EXCUSE ME!!! I'm LOST!!! Can you all help us?!?!" AHAHAHAHA!!! It was the FUNNNIEST THING EVERRRRR!!!
Then Sunday night after Jubilee service...Hanging out for HOURS at Red Robin with...
Micheal, Delly, Chris, Glen, Anthony, Tori and the girls from our church
The Joke the WHOLE night long was about US being on Facebook/any time I looked at my phone OH Mary's updating FB!!! ME: I don't have an account...Oooo Mary's Updating her sister's FB!!! BAHAHA!!! THEN ANY time I had a BLANK moment where I didn't understand something which happen quite often.... they were like OH she must be thinking about _______________!!!!!! (Fill in blank with random guy!)
Then the RANDOM...heeeeeey lets go GEOCACHING!!! Great idea...we musta loooked soooo cRaZy!!! Buuuuut such a blast!!! Can't wait to see EVERYONE again soon...the plans are if NOT at Bible College starting on Monday, at Seth and Alyssa's wedding and if NOT at that EVERYONE IS GOING TO WCC!!! Wooooohooo!!!
Thanks for good times this past weekend everyone and thanks to all the people that plan this stuff so that we can all get together and fellowship together!!!
♥Mary :)