is THREE!!!
Can I get a woot! WOOT???

Sooooooo with this three year celebration, I thought i was time to explain the whole conception of this blog, how it began and got started!!! Would surprise you if I said that a VERY handsome, Apostolic young man was involved? Oh WAIT ACTUALLY...it was two HANDSOME MEN!!! LOLOLOL!!! Of course your NOT suprised...RIGHT??? Like DUH...where would life be like without handsome, Apostolic, men?! (BORING!!!;)
So ANYWAYZ, we'll start off with guy #1!!! Okaaaaay soooo I had made this blog, MARY FRANCES WRITING, which was supposed to be a serious blog...to impress guy #2...LOL...who had this really professional, suave and inspiring writing on his blog... AND I thought for sure when he read MY WRITING, he would be soooo impressed, we could combine our talents and write books together...bahaha...NOTICE i'm STILL SINGLE??? Okaaaay but we're NOT talking about guy #2 yet...we're STILL on guy #1!!!
Soooooo #1 guy, I was like TOTALLY stalkin...LOL...AND I had one of my best guy friends, who was friends with #1, helping me get info about him in exchange that I would give him info about one of MY friends that he had a HUGE crush on and was totally STALKIN...ahaha...CONFUSED YET?!
So one day me and my best guy friend, okaaaaaay i'm just say the guy friends name cuz this is startin to confuse even me...SOOOO i'm textin my friend Dayton, givin him info about one of MY FRIENDS and then he is like okaaaay i'm gonna get you some info too...sooooo i'm like okaaaaaay sounds GOOD!!!
So i'm giving him ALL these questions to ask like, NOT ALL AT ONCE but over a series of times like, what is your favorite color? Do you like Adventures in Odyssy? Does he LOVE peanut butter? Does he like meatloaf???? Okaaaaaaaaay I know your probabley thinkin i'm weird about the WHOLE meatloaf question, BUT I find that to be a VERY important question...A LOT of people think that meatlaof is NASTY...BUT I LOVE meatloaf and make it VERY GOOD!!! AND MY HUSBAND WILL EAT MY MEATLOAF!!! Ahahahaha!!!
Although I must say, we had difficulty findin the answer to this question...I mean...we NEVER could think of a nonchalant way for my friend Dayton to be askin #1, oh btw man, do you like meatloaf? AHAHAHA!!! This one time Dayton called me and he was like OH MARY! I hav bad news, I don't think he likes meatloaf!!! I was like WHAAAAAAT??? (ALL the weddin plans in my mind...were OFF!) What happened? How did you find out?
So Dayton is like, Weeeelll since Thanksgiving is coming up we were talkin about that, and I was like, heeeey man are you excited about Thanksgiving dinner? and he was like, yeah man! So I was like, so what are you guys gonna be eatin? MEATLOAF? Dayton is all, and he was like, No man, we're gonna have TURKEY!!! Dayton is like, so Idk, he must not like it!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! Dayton is from another country...soooooo i'm like DUUUUUUUUUUUDE...WOW...then I had to explain...that... EVERYONE eats TURKEY ON THANKSGIVING!!!! Ahahaha!!!! SOOOO... We NEVER did find out...now that I think about it...I REALLY would like to know...just to know...hmmmm...LOL!!!
So anywayZ, Dayton is textin me and guy #1, one day at the same time and I'm like tellin Dayton what to say and ask and then he is textin me back with what #1 is textin to him. So Dayton tells me that they are currently talkin about #1 being a Sunday School teacher...which I was JUST THRILLED about...cuz EVERYONE says thats the kind of guy I need to marry...would be aSunday School teacher or like the Church Bus driver...ahahaha...so i'm like OH ask him what he teaches about in Sunday School. So I get I text back from Dayton that says, "He says, he likes to teach about Jesus!" (VERY PROFOUND!!! Bahaha!;)
Then like as soooon as I read the text my phone rings...its DAYTON!!!!!! I answer and he like, "ok Mary, don't freak out or anything, BUUUUUT the text I just sent you that said; "He says, he likes to teach about Jesus!" Well before I sent it to you...I accidentally sent it to HIM!!! I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! For realZ???? YOU HAV GOT TO BE KIDDIN ME!!! and I was about to get really mad and then I just busted up laughing instead!!! We were gonna try and blame it on this girl from Dayton's church, that was a really good family friend with guy #1, act like this lil 12-year-old was the one seekin info...and I was just like duuuuuuude thats soooo wrong, just forget it!!! AND...
I was like, "I can't believe that just happened! I am SOOOOO embarassed! WHY DO THESE THINGS
ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!" Then we both just cracked up laughing because I had to
admit it really was FUNNY!!! "What can I say," I said to my friend, "That was a
Classic Mary Moment!"
And thats when I knew I had to make a blog to record all the cRaZy, humorous happenings of my life!!! THUS CLASSIC MARY MOMENTS was born!!! (Awwwwwww!!!! Your soooo cute lil bloggy!!! Yes you are!!! Yes you are!!! Mommy LOVERRRS YOU!!! Yeeeeessss!!!).
Meanwhile, I was STILL trying to impress guy #2 with my SERIOUS blog!!! Weeeelll guy #2 aparently wasn't very impressed, NEVERRRR left me any comments and didn't feel led to write books with me...NOT that I had said anything to him...but...DUUUUDE...I soooooo had some good writing pointers for him!!! I could have helped him...)
Anyhow, #2 TOTALLY ignored me!!! Wouldn't even be my FACEBOOK FRIEND!!! He UNFRIENDED ME!!! LOL!!!I mean fo realZ? Its NOT LIKE I PROPOSED TO HIM or anything...HAHAHA!!! Idk WHY anyone wouldn't want to be my friend???? I mean, i am sooooooo much fun to be with!!! EVERYONE LOVES ME!!! FO REALZ!!! I LOVE being with ME!!! Even guys, that know I have a crush on them, and totally don't like me back...they ALWAYS still want to my friend...cuz i'm FUN and i'm TOTALLY NOT ANNOYIN!!! Even my brothers LOVE my company!!! Even my big sis says that I am THE ONE PERSON that she NEVERRRR needs a break from!!!
"You say♥ How do I know that YOU love me?
I say♥ because, EVERYONE ♥loves♥ me!!!" ;)
I say♥ because, EVERYONE ♥loves♥ me!!!" ;)
Weeeeellll aparently EVERYONE BUT... guy #2!!! LOL! Now some people get let down by things like this in life and while i did for a MOMENT, in the end, his EXTREME and very noticable ignoring of me, only INSPIRED ME!!! LOL Thats right!!! It encouraged, pushed and compelled me to write better and more often...I thank you guy #2 RIGHT now...for ignoring me!!! It is BECAUSE OF YOU...that I was determined to make this blog what it is!!! LOL!!! Keep ignoring me...your doing a GREAT JOB!!!! AHAHA!!! :D
Plus, I began to realize, that being totally professional and suave...REALLY wasn't me and REALLY WASN'T what people wanted to read!!! Alot of people would tell me, OH I like your Classic Mary Moments Blog soooooo much better than your SERIOUS blog...at first that REALLY bothered me!!!
Because, although I am very funloving and humorous person, THERE IS a part of me that IS very serious!!! When it comes to the things of God, I DO NOT take those things lightly!!! I LOVE GOD WITH ALL MY HEART and am VERY passionate about reaching the lost and doing a work for the Lord...sooo.... I didn't like that people were sayin that the FUN blog was just MORE ME...cuz there is MORE TO ME... then just all fun and games.
But SOMEHOW, the real ME did begin to come out in THIS BLOG and the humor and the inspiration began to become intertwined and i began writing devotionals and uplifting posts and now this one blog is a combination of BOTH part of ME!!! I realized that what people want is NOT sophistication and all the commas in the RIGHT PLACES, they get plenty of that at work and in school, what people really NEED is something that is inspiring, motivating, encouraging, or humorous. Just a lil something every day, that is uplifting...just a lil something to BRIGHTEN their morning or to make them smile before they go to sleep.
AND that my friends is HOW IT ALL got started!!! You can read my FIRST EVERRRR Classic Mary Moment Blog post HERE!!! And when its all been said and done I have to once again give honor to whom honor is due...
for handsome, Godly, Apostolic young men!!!
Classic Mary Moments would NOT be in existence without them!!! ;) ;) ;)
♥Mary Frances :)