Sunday, January 2, 2011

If you were a Gentleman...

Here is the link to an AWESOME article By Bro. Ballestero!!! You all should read it AND it would be sooooo awesome if his wife wrote an article for the females, "If you were a Lady!"  I NEED THAT!!! :) Oh and I LOVE this quote by him...

"If you are determined that a girl has to be a certain dress size for you to be interested, then a dress size may be all you ever get out of that relationship. Don’t rob yourself of possibly the best kept Treasure in Pentecost, just because you are hung up on what you think a woman’s dress size should be."  (Bro. Ballestero)

Awwwwwwwww!!! Thats soooooo sweeeet!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats AWESOME!!!

Read the full article HERE