Thursday, April 1, 2010

MORE Holy Ghost!!!

God is sooooooooooooo GOOD!!!
We had another breakthrough in class last night!
Janelle and I had decided that after the awesome kid's church last Wednesday night, we would just combine our classes together this week and see what God would do!
It was pretty awesome!!! ONE MORE girl got the Holy Ghost AND the girls
that got it LAST week were totally crying and praying through again THIS week!!!
Janelle said that two of the parent's, who's kids got the Holy Ghost want to do bible studies now!!!

This is the GIRLS before class started!!! LOL ANGELS! TOTAL ANGELS!!!

I was laughing sooooooooooooooo hard on the way home last night BECAUSE it was soooooo cRaZy in our classroom last night! I mean it's hard to pray with the kids that are seeking the Holy Ghost AND discipline the kids that AREN'T!!! There was ONLY two of us an 13 kids...thats A LOT!  Finally, I just said FORGET it and focused on praying with the kids that were praying. Sooooo the girls that didn't pray basically destroyed my classroom! At one point, I look over and the one group of girls basically hav like their own little TATTOO parlor set up at my table, with the markers! I was like ummmmm...OKAAAAAAAAY!!! HAHAHA!!!
Thank GOD, when the adult class came out to help us pray!!!