Monday, November 30, 2009


Tonight was the last night of bible college for this semester. At the end of class, My pastor's wife, Sis. Abbott, went around the room to all the ladies and asked them to share with the class something they had learned or what they had gotten this semester from the class. I listened as woman poured out their hearts, crying and sharing what God had done for them and their families after learning the things that had been taught! I was LIKE wow!!! this is SOOO awesome. Woman were sharing about how God had changed the way they were treating their husbands, their families, their homes...etc...
And yet as some of the woman shared how a certain lesson had changed their whole perspective and demeanor towards their husbands, how they had NEVER know this before, I couldn't help but feel REALLY surprised!!! I mean, I am sitting their like I am single, BUT I know this stuff...and it's NOT like I was being self-rightous, I am FAR from perfect. ;) It was just that some of these woman were like WAAAAY older than me and BEEN married for like EVER AND I just couldn't believe they didn't know this STUFF!!! And when I took the test, I didn't have to look at my notes cause I already knew ALL the answers practically by heart. AND I am NOT saying all this to brag on MYSELF, but to brag on my pastor and his wife, Brother and Sister Abbott!!!
Their teachings have been ingrained into me my WHOLE entire life and as I heard some of these woman testify, I realized that not everyone has been as blessed as myself to have this incredible teachings. I remember as a teenager, Sis. Abbott would teach about submission to your husband and I would like sit their and just roll my eyes and think, yeah, yeah, yeah...WHATEVER!!! And EVERY time she would teach I would think okaaaaaaaaaay I have HEARD this a million times WHY do I have to hear it again?!?!
But, as the years have gone by, something has changed. I honestly do not mind hearing her teach on this subject, in fact, I am scared to admit this BUT I kinda actually enjoy hearing about it. Because NOW I understand it, it's gotten firmly down inside of me and I BELIEVE it with all my heart!!
AND I don't know quite how to explain this, and its gonna seem odd coming from a single chick, BUT, I LOVE submission, wait, don't get me wrong, BUT when you truley understand what Sis. Abbott teaches, the order and the protection in it, you start to think it's beautiful. I can't stand feminists attitudes, I am a FIRM believer in stay-at-home-moms and I BELIEVE in submission to your own husband!!! I am NOT saying I ALWAYS act the way I SHOULD...BUT I do know how I should be acting!!! ;)
But for me I don't think I would have EVER felt this way, if I had NOT seen Sis. Abbott's example in her own life. Because as Sis. Abbott ALWAYS says, "Values are not taught, they are caught." I guess somwhere along the way, I lost the, OH here we go again attitude and Sis. Abbott's teachings have ACTUALLY begun to get caught in my heart. Truley I AM BLESSED!!!