Friday, September 25, 2009

Iookin up to my little brother!!!

In a family of five children, I am the middle child. Two older siblings and two younger siblings. Yep I am SMACK dab in the middle! This automatically means my placement in life that I basically MUST listen to my two older siblings. I may not like it, or want to, but, I KNOW MY PLACE!!!
So you would think that I would jump at the opportunity to be able to boss around my two little brothers, BUT instead, I find myself feeling bad, cause I know what it's like to be BOSSED!!! LOL But as if thats not bad enough, MY BROTHER JOHN actually bosses ME around...AND I LISTEN!!! OMW! LOL HOW dumb IS THAT?!?! I mean, I honestly forget half the time that he is my little brother. That I used to change his diapers and that I dropped him on his head as a baby! (HAHAHA!) That I waited and waited and waited for the day he was born, cause it FINALLY meant I was a big sister. If ONLY i knew that he would one day he would be bossing me...

However, it was upon a conversation we had one day on the way home from work that I realized just how much I look up to him. I was sitting in the back seat, he had shot gun (Yes, he ALWAYS sits shot gun even though the rule is that the OLDEST child in the car gets shot gun) and my mom is driving. There is a TON of traffic and the whole time John and my mom are like argueing about the driving...blah, blah,blah...and I am just like kinda in my own Mary world, takin pictures of myself, just like whatever! When all of the sudden John is like lecturing MY MOM on her driving and SHE IS LIKE LECTURING RIGHT after finally gettin a good pic of myself, I am like, "Man, John, you sure do complain A LOT!" He is just silent.
I am like I mean, you tell me how to cook better, how I should dress, if you like my hair, why you DON'T like EVERY guy I like, not to waste my money, who I shouldn't hang out with..etc.. he is just silent. I am like, I mean ya kinda like complain about EVERYTHING it seems sometimes. He is just silent. I am like, BUT the ONE time like it would have ACTUALLY made sense for you to complain you NEVER did. He is like, When? I am like when you had luekemia! I mean you were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick. AND he was! I remember, cause I would spend nights and weeks on end with him at Good Samaritan Hospital. Chemotherapy is horrible. Not only does it kill the bad cells, it kills the good ones as well. He lost his hair. He had stomach aches. He got diabetes and a TON of other stuff it caused him. BUT he NEVER complained about it. He just went through it.
So John says, well why would I complain about SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! I am like, well I mean, it seems like it would make a little more sense to complain about that then my cooking or the clothes I wear. He says, yeah, but the Luekemia I couldn't do anything about, so what would have been the point in complaining? I couldn't change it! I only complain about things that I know can be changed.

I was just kinda like, "Oh!" (I mean like WOW!!! That was really profound.) Kinda made me realize that he just wants to make me be better OR what HE THINKS is better...LOL But, I also realized that what he said makes sense. WE SHOULD ONLY complain about things that can be changed...
Soooooooooooo yeah.. I really respect my little brother and THATS why I look up to him! BUT...Shhhhhhhhh.......DON'T TELL HIM ANY OF THIS!!! Cause the NEXT time he TELLS me to make him a sandwhich, I am STILL gonna giv him some attitude and say, DO IT YOURSELF, before I make it for him of course!!! :)